i.think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity: DJI Phantom Peraduan Video
- Niagara Falls. TONTON dalam 1080pHD untuk kualiti terbaik! Berikan thumbs (sokongan/support)
sehingga jika anda menikmati video saya! Niagara Falls difilemkan dari DJI
Phantom dengan GoPro Hero 3. Lagu: The In-Between Oleh: A New Normal. lesen
daripada themusicbed.com
DJI Phantom Video Contest -
Niagara Falls. WATCH in 1080pHD for best quality! Give it a thumbs up if you
enjoyed my video! The Niagara Falls filmed from a DJI Phantom with a GoPro Hero
3. Song: The In-Between By: A New Normal. licensed from themusicbed.com