TOP NEWS Photos: Polis
rusuhan berdiri di belakang perisai sebagai semburan meriam air pada
demonstrasi semasa pertempuran berhampiran Guanabara Palace di mana Paus
Francis bertemu dengan Presiden Dilma Rousseff di Rio de Janeiro, 22 Julai,
2013. Penunjuk perasaan yang berterusan protes anti-kerajaan mereka, yang
bermula pada bulan Jun di tengah-tengah rasa tidak puas hati yang semakin
meningkat ekonomi dan sosial di Brazil. Pope Francis mendarat di Rio de Janeiro
pada hari Isnin, bermula lawatan asing pertama beliau sebagai Paus dan siri
selama seminggu peristiwa dijangka menarik lebih daripada 1 juta orang untuk
perhimpunan setia muda di Brazil, rumah kepada penduduk terbesar Roman Katolik
di DUNIA (Riot police stand behind shields as a water cannon sprays at
demonstrator during clashes near Guanabara Palace where Pope Francis met with
President Dilma Rousseff in Rio de Janeiro, July 22, 2013. Demonstrators are
continuing their anti-government protests, which began in June amid growing
economic and social dissatisfaction in Brazil. Pope Francis touched down in Rio
de Janeiro on Monday, starting his first foreign trip as pontiff and a weeklong
series of events expected to attract more than a million people to a gathering
of young faithful in Brazil, home to the world's largest Roman Catholic
TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY - i.think IN Pictures @1WORLDCommunity)