Rusuhan Meletus atas
kos lawatan Paus ke Brazil. Kurang daripada 1 jam selepas lawatan Paus ke Rio,
satu siri protes kecil jalanan yang bertaburan tercetus di seluruh bandar.
Masih ada kemarahan
meluas terhadap perbelanjaan kerajaan pada Sukan Olimpik dan bola sepak Piala DUNIA
dan beberapa langkah-langkah yang diambil untuk menjadikan paus tuan rumah telah
membuat perkara-perkara yang lebih buruk.
Pelajar Andre Ribeiro
berkata: . . ."Masalahnya ialah perbelanjaan kerajaan Mereka telah
menghabiskan lebih daripada 50 juta dolar pada lawatan beliau dan itulah
terlalu banyak Ia patut telah dilabur dalam kesihatan atau pendidikan, ini
bukan bantahan agama, ia adalah satu bantahan politik. Ia tiada kaitan dengan
Pope. "
Pertempuran tercetus
apabila kira-kira 300 penunjuk perasaan mula melontarkan firebombs pada polis
rusuhan. Pihak berkuasa bertindak balas dengan melepaskan tembakan peluru
getah. Berpuluh-puluh orang cedera dan beberapa tangkapan telah dibuat.
Riots erupt over cost
of Pope's visit to Brazil .Less than an hour after the Pope's visit to Rio, a
series of small, scattered street protests broke out across the city.
There is still
widespread anger over the government's spending on the Olympics and football's
World Cup, and for some measures taken to host the pope have made matters
Student Andre Ribeiro
said: "The problem is the government's spending. They've spent more than
50 million dollars on his visit and that's way too much. It could have been
invested in health or education. This is not a religious protest, it's a
political protest. It has nothing to do with the Pope."
Clashes broke out when
around 300 demonstrators began to hurl firebombs at riot police. Authorities
responded by firing rubber bullets. Dozens of people were hurt and several
arrests were made.