Saturday 15 December 2012

Photorealistic Drawings . . .

10 Mind-Boggling Photorealistic Drawings . . .
By Ct1Mahani | Tech News Daily, 15 December 2012

Selepas melihat begitu banyak menakjubkan lukisan ‘unbelievably‘ yang kelihatan seperti gambar yang mencari meja kami, kami merasakan seolah-olah ia akhirnya masa untuk meletakkan mereka bersama-sama dengan beberapa orang yang baru, semua bersama-sama dalam satu post. Dalam beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini kita telah melihat kebangkitan seni photorealistic tetapi sebaliknya lukisan, seperti yang kita lihat dengan artis-artis seperti Alyssa Monks, Gregory Thielker atau Gravinese Diego, ini adalah lukisan. Dicipta sama ada dengan hanya pensil atau ballpoint pen, kerja-kerja yang luar biasa seni menunjukkan bahawa ia tidak kira apa alat yang anda gunakan, ia adalah semua tentang bakat anda yang diberikan Tuhan dan/atau kemahiran mengasah yang berhati-hati.

After seeing so many unbelievably amazing drawings that look like photos come across our desk, we felt as though it was finally time to put those, along with some new ones, all together in one post. In the past few months we've seen a resurgence of photorealistic art but instead of paintings, like we saw with artists like Alyssa Monks, Gregory Thielker or Diego Gravinese, these are drawings. Created either with just pencil or ballpoint pen, these incredible works of art show that it doesn't matter what tools you use, it's all about your God given talent and/or carefully honed skills.

Pencils and watercolour pencil on Fabriano watercolour art paper. Drawing by Franco Clun.

Ballpoint pen. Drawing by Samuel Silva.

Pencil on paper. Drawing by Dirk Dzimirsky.

Graphite on cartridge Paper A1. Drawing by Paul Cadden.

Graphite on smooth bristol. Drawing by Linda Huber.

Colour pencils on cartridge paper. Drawing by Amy Robins.

Pencil on Paper. Drawing by Diego Fazio

Graphite. Drawing by Darrel (ddanos)

Pencil on Paper. Drawing by Diego Fazio

Top image/Imej Atas: Mechanical pencil on Fabriano Acquarello watercolour 'Artistico' hot pressed. Drawing by Franco Clun.

(Source/Sumber: My Modern Met. Edited)
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