Sunday 22 September 2013

Full Length Movies 'Open Range' . . .

SitiWanMahani Full Length Movies - Open Range is a 2003 Western film directed and co-produced by Kevin Costner. Starring Robert Duvall and Costner, with Annette Bening andMichael Gambon appearing in supporting roles. The film was the final on-screen appearance of Michael Jeter, who died before it was released, and the film was dedicated to Jeter's memory, and to that of Costner's parents, Bill and Sharon.

The film was a box office success, and was critically favored.


"Boss" Spearman (Duvall) is an open range cattleman, who, with hired hands Charley (Costner), Mose (Benrubi) and Button (Luna), is driving a herd cross country. Charley is a former soldier who fought in the Civil War and feels guilty over his past as a killer.

Boss sends Mose to the nearby town of Harmonville for supplies. The town is controlled by a ruthless Irish immigrant land baron, Denton Baxter (Gambon), who hates open-rangers. Mose is badly beaten and jailed by the marshal, Poole (Russo). The only friendly inhabitant is Percy (Jeter), a livery stable owner.

Boss and Charley become concerned when Mose does not return. They retrieve him from the jail but not before getting a warning from Baxter about free-grazing on his land. Mose's injuries are so severe that Boss and Charley take him to Doc Barlow (McDermott). There they meet Sue Barlow (Bening). Charley is attracted immediately, but assumes that Sue is the doctor's wife.

After catching masked riders scouting their cattle, Boss and Charley sneak up on their campfire in the night, and disarm them. At the same time, another attack results in Mose's death. Button is badly injured and left for dead. Charley and Boss vow to avenge this injustice. They leave Button at the doctor's house and go into town, where they lock Poole in his own jail. Boss knocks him out with chloroform he has stolen from the doctor's office. The deputies are locked up as well.

Charley learns that Sue is the doctor's sister, not his wife. He declares his feelings for her, and she gives him a locket for luck. Charley leaves a note with Percy, in which he states that if he should die, money from the sale of his saddle and gear are to be used to buy Sue a new tea set.

Boss and Charley are pitted against Baxter and his men. Charley shoots Butler (Coates), the gunman who shot Button and killed Mose. A gunfight erupts in the street, with Boss, Charley and Percy outnumbered before the townspeople begin to openly fight against Baxter. After an intense firefight, Baxter's men are dead and Baxter ends up wounded and alone, trapped in the jailhouse. Boss rushes to the jail, mortally wounding Baxter.

Sue's brother tends to the wounded townspeople and open-rangers. Charley speaks to Sue in private, telling her he must leave. She counters that she has a "big idea" about their future together and that she will wait for him to return. He does return, and proposes to Sue. Charley and Boss decide to give up the cattle business and settle down in Harmonville, taking over the saloon.

Amerika Syarikat blackmails Rusia: Tiada usaha senjata kimia jika tiada resolusi PBB keras di Syria . . .

SitiWanMahani - 'Amerika Syarikat blackmails Rusia: Tiada usaha senjata kimia jika tiada resolusi PBB keras di Syria. Amerika Syarikat adalah menolak Rusia ke dalam meluluskan resolusi PBB yang akan membolehkan untuk campur tangan ketenteraan di Syria, Menteri Luar Rusia Sergey Lavrov berkata, sebagai pertukaran untuk sokongan Amerika kesertaan Syria untuk OPCW.

'US blackmails Russia': No chem arms effort if no harsh UN resolution on Syria. The US is pushing Russia into approving a UN resolution that would allow for military intervention in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, in exchange for American support of Syria's accession to OPCW.

Lavrov: Amerika Syarikat mendesak Rusia meluluskan resolusi PBB ke atas Syria di bawah Bab 7 . . .

Menteri Luar Rusia Sergey Lavrov. (Screenshot daripada Channel 1 Time programme 1 Ahad) (Screenshot from Channel 1 Sunday Time programme - think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

SitiWanMahani - (RT. Published time: 09:48 September 22, 2013) Lavrov: US mendesak Rusia meluluskan resolusi PBB ke atas Syria di bawah Bab 7. Amerika Syarikat menolak Rusia ke dalam meluluskan resolusi PBB yang akan membolehkan untuk campur tangan ketenteraan di Syria, sebagai pertukaran untuk sokongan Amerika kesertaan Syria untuk OPCW, Menteri Luar Rusia Sergey Lavrov berkata.

“Rakan-rakan Amerika mula memeras ugut kami: ‘Jika Rusia tidak menyokong resolusi di bawah Bab 7, maka kami akan menarik balik sokongan kami untuk masuk ke Syria Pertubuhan bagi Larangan Senjata Kimia (OPCW). Ini adalah berlepas lengkap dari apa yang saya bersetuju dengan Setiausaha Negara John Kerry’, “kata Menteri Luar Rusia Sergey Lavrov memberitahu Channel 1 Ahad Time program.

Bab 7 Piagam PBB akan membolehkan campur tangan tentera yang berpotensi di Syria.

Negara-negara Barat buta oleh 'Assad mesti pergi 
kerana tingkahlaku

Ketua Kementerian Luar Rusia seterusnya berkata beliau terkejut dengan pendekatan Barat “cuai” kepada konflik.

“Rakan-rakan kami buta dengan misi ideologi untuk perubahan rejim,” kata Lavrov. “Mereka tidak boleh mengakui bahawa mereka telah membuat kesilapan yang lain.”

Menghempas campur tangan Barat di Libya dan Iraq, Menteri Luar menyatakan bahawa campur tangan tentera sahaja boleh membawa kepada malapetaka di rantau ini. Selain itu, beliau menegaskan bahawa jika Barat benar-benar adalah berminat dalam penyelesaian secara aman kepada konflik yang telah berlarutan selama lebih 2 tahun, mereka akan kini boleh menolak untuk masuk Syria ke OPCW di tempat yang pertama, bukan untuk penyingkiran Presiden Bashar Assad.

“Saya yakin bahawa Barat lakukan ini untuk menunjukkan bahawa mereka memanggil tembakan di Timur Tengah. Ini adalah satu pendekatan yang benar-benar dipolitikkan,” kata Lavrov.

‘Mengulangi Geneva 2012’

Lavrov mengimbas kembali kepada perjanjian Geneva tahun lepas yang telah dipersetujui oleh masyarakat antarabangsa, termasuk Rusia dan Amerika Syarikat. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila ketetapan itu pergi kepada Majlis Keselamatan Amerika Syarikat menuntut Bab 7 dimasukkan.

“Sejarah adalah mengulangi sendiri. Sekali lagi di Geneva perjanjian telah dicapai yang tidak mengandungi apa-apa sebutan dalam Bab 7. Tetapi Majlis Keselamatan mahu buat semula dokumen itu dengan cara mereka sendiri untuk memasukkan ia.”

Beliau menggesa Barat untuk mematuhi undang-undang antarabangsa dan berhenti menulis resolusi didorong “cita-cita geopolitik” oleh mereka.

‘Kedua-dua pihak perlu menyerahkan senjata kimia’

Sergey Lavrov juga telah menegaskan bahawa pihak pembangkang mengambil bahagian dalam pelucutan tauliah stok simpanan senjata kimia di Syria.

“Penyelesaian yang sedang bekerja di OPCW mencadangkan bahawa semua stok senjata kimia Syria mesti dibawa di bawah kawalan dan akhirnya dimusnahkan.”

Lavrov lagi mendakwa bahawa Barat adalah “tidak memberitahu seluruh kisah ini” dengan menyatakan bahawa senjata kimia hanya dimiliki oleh rejim, dan bukan pembangkang.

Beliau menambah bahawa maklumat yang disediakan oleh Israel mengesahkan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 2 kali, pemberontak telah merampas kawasan-kawasan di mana senjata kimia telah disimpan dan senjata mereka mungkin telah jatuh ke tangan mereka.

“Menurut anggaran kami, ada kemungkinan yang kuat bahawa di samping makmal rumah tempatan di mana militan cuba untuk memasak ramuan yang membahayakan dan berbahaya, data yang disediakan oleh Israel adalah benar,” kata Rusia FM.

“Kerja Persediaan untuk pemeriksa OPCW untuk mengambil alih kawalan laman kimia penyimpanan senjata memerlukan orang-orang yang membiayai dan menaja kumpulan pembangkang - termasuk pelampau - permintaan mereka menyerahkan [tangan] yang telah disita supaya mereka boleh memusnahkannya, menurut Konvensyen tentang Larangan Senjata Kimia.”

Lavrov berkata bahawa Rusia tidak penjamin seorang bagi pelucutan senjata kimia di Syria, sebagai komitmen Syria jatuh di bawah naungan Konvensyen Senjata Kimia, yang di peringkat antarabangsa yang ditadbir oleh OPCW itu.

Lavrov berkata, Rusia dan Amerika Syarikat telah bekerja di luar draf resolusi yang akan dikemukakan kepada OPCW, walaupun beberapa perkara masih belum dipersetujui.

Logistik kemusnahan

Sergey Lavrov berkata bahawa tempoh masa bagi penghapusan senjata kimia Syria tidak realistik.

“Sebahagian besar daripada angka-angka sebagai satu masa, panjang, permulaan, penamat misi telah dicadangkan oleh pihak Amerika,” katanya.

Walaupun tempoh masa yang boleh dilaksanakan, masih ada perbezaan pendapat mengenai kos usaha.

Awal minggu ini, Presiden Assad berkata kemusnahan senjata senjata kimia di Syria akan menjadi satu usaha yang mahal.

“Ia memerlukan banyak wang, ia memerlukan kira-kira 1 bilion [dolar Amerika Syarikat]. Ia amat memudaratkan alam sekitar. Jika pentadbiran Amerika bersedia untuk membayar wang itu, dan mengambil tanggungjawab untuk membawa bahan-bahan toksik ke Amerika Syarikat, mengapa mereka tidak melakukannya?” Assad memberitahu Fox News

Lavrov berkata beliau telah mendengar tentang anggaran kos, walaupun semasa rundingan dengan rakan sejawatannya dari Amerika Syarikat di Geneva minggu lepas, angka itu jauh lebih rendah. Lavrov berkata perbezaan berpunca daripada hakikat bahawa anggaran yang profesional adalah teratur.

“Apabila pakar OPCW melawat Syria dan melihat laman yang menyimpan senjata kimia, mereka akan memahami apa yang boleh dimusnahkan di tempat kejadian (dan ini juga boleh) dengan penggunaan peralatan mudah alih yang beberapa negeri mempunyai, dan orang-orang di mana kilang-kilang khas perlu dibina, seperti yang kita lakukan apabila memusnahkan stok simpanan senjata kimia Soviet. Tetapi bagi mereka yang perlu dibawa keluar dari negara ini - bahan-bahan toksik - akan memerlukan satu keputusan yang istimewa, kerana konvensyen itu menganggap ia penting bahawa kemusnahan yang berlaku di wilayah negara itu yang memiliki senjata kimia,” katanya.

Lavrov berkata alasan undang-undang perlu didapati untuk bergerak ke hadapan dalam kes ini, tetapi jika semua pihak boleh bersetuju pada dasarnya, kemudian merangka dokumen yang mengikat secara sah tidak akan menjadi keras.

Beliau juga berkata masalah yang akan dihadapi dalam memastikan keselamatan kedua-dua pakar-pakar Syria dan antarabangsa ditugaskan untuk membawa senjata kimia di bawah kawalan dan meletakkan asas bagi pemusnahan utama mereka.

“Kami menganggap bahawa kehadiran antarabangsa akan menuntut di kawasan-kawasan di mana pakar-pakar yang bekerja. Kami bersedia untuk memperuntukkan askar kita sendiri atau polis tentera untuk mengambil bahagian dalam usaha-usaha ini. Saya tidak percaya ia adalah perlu untuk menghantar yang kuat [tentera] kontingensi]. Ia seolah-olah bahawa ia akan mencukupi untuk menghantar pemerhati tentera. Ia akan menjadi perlu untuk melakukannya dalam apa-apa cara yang pemerhati akan datang dari semua anggota tetap Majlis Keselamatan PBB, negara-negara Arab dan Turki, supaya semua pihak yang bercanggah di Syria faham bahawa kontinjen ini mewakili semua kuasa-kuasa luar yang bekerjasama dengan satu atau pihak lain yang bercanggah di Syria . . . supaya mereka tidak mengambil tindakan provokasi,” katanya.

Lavrov mengulangi kenyataan dahulu yang dibuat semasa rundingan dengan Setiausaha Negara John Kerry berikutan rundingan mereka di Geneva minggu lepas bahawa pembangkang adalah sama-sama bertanggungjawab untuk menyediakan untuk keselamatan OPCW dan pakar-pakar PBB di negara ini dan tidak membenarkan mana-mana “provokasi”.

Lavrov: US pressuring Russia into passing UN resolution on Syria under Chapter 7. The US is pushing Russia into approving a UN resolution that would allow for military intervention in Syria, in exchange for American support of Syria’s accession to OPCW, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.

“Our American partners are starting to blackmail us: ‘If Russia does not support a resolution under Chapter 7, then we will withdraw our support for Syria’s entry into the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). This is a complete departure from what I agreed with Secretary of State John Kerry',” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Channel 1's Sunday Time program.

Chapter 7 of the UN charter would allow for potential military intervention in Syria.

Western countries blinded by 'Assad must go' Attitude

The head of Russia’s Foreign Ministry went on to say he was surprised by the West’s “negligent” approach to the conflict.

“Our partners are blinded by an ideological mission for regime change,” said Lavrov. “They cannot admit they have made another mistake.”

Slamming the West’s intervention in Libya and Iraq, the foreign minister stated that military intervention could only lead to a catastrophe in the region. Moreover, he stressed that if the West really was interested in a peaceful solution to the conflict that has raged for over two years, they would now be pushing for Syria’s entry into the OPCW in the first place, not for the ouster of President Bashar Assad.

“I am convinced that the West is doing this to demonstrate that they call the shots in the Middle East. This is a totally politicized approach,” said Lavrov.

'A repeat of Geneva 2012'

Lavrov harked back to last year’s Geneva accord which was agreed upon by the international community, including Russia and the US. However, when the resolution went to the Security Council the US demanded that Chapter 7 be included.

“History is repeating itself. Once again in Geneva an agreement has been reached which does not contain any mention of Chapter 7. But the Security Council wants to redo the document in their own way to include it.”

He called on the West to observe international law and stop writing resolutions motivated by their “geopolitical ambitions.”

‘Both sides must hand over chemical weapons’

Sergey Lavrov has also insisted that opposition forces take part in the decommissioning of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles.

“The solutions currently being worked out at the OPCW suggest that all stocks of Syrian chemical weapons must be brought under control and ultimately destroyed.”

Lavrov further charged that the West was “not telling the whole story” by asserting that chemical weapons are only possessed by the regime, and not the opposition.

He added that the available information provided by the Israelis confirmed that on at least two occasions, the rebels had seized areas in which chemical weapons were stored and those arms might have fallen into their hands.

"According to our estimates, there is a strong probability that in addition to home-grown labs in which militants are trying to cook up harmful and deadly concoctions, the data provided by the Israelis is true,” the Russian FM said.

“Preparatory work for OPCW inspectors to assume control of chemical weapons storage sites requires that those who fund and sponsor opposition groups –  including extremists –  demand that they hand over the [arms] which have been seized so that they can be destroyed, pursuant to the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.”

Lavrov added that Russia was not a guarantor for the disarmament of Syria’s chemical weapons, as Syria’s commitments fell under the auspices of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which is internationally administered by the OPCW.

Lavrov said Russia and the US were working out a draft resolution to be submitted to the OPCW, although several points were yet to be agreed upon.

Logistics of destruction

Sergey Lavrov said that the time frame for the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapons was not unrealistic.

"The overwhelming majority of the figures as per timing, term, beginning, finishing of the mission have been suggested by the American side," he added.

Even if the time frame is feasible, there remains disagreement on the cost of the venture.

Earlier this week, President Assad said the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal would be a costly venture.

“It needs a lot of money, it needs about one billion [US dollars]. It’s very detrimental to the environment. If the American administration is ready to pay the money, and to take responsibility of bringing toxic materials to the United States, why don’t they do it?” Assad told Fox News

Lavrov said he had heard of the cost estimate, although during his negotiations with his US counterpart in Geneva last week, the figure was much lower. Lavrov said the discrepancy stemmed from the fact that a professional estimate was in order.

“When OPCW experts visit Syria and view the storage sites for chemical weapons, they will understand what can be destroyed on the spot (and this is also possible) with the use of mobile equipment which a number of states have, and those where special factories need to be built, as we did when destroying Soviet chemical weapons stockpiles. But for those which need to be taken out of the country – toxic substances – will require a special decision, because the convention considers it essential that the destruction takes place on the territory of that country which possesses the chemical weapons,” he said.

Lavrov said legal grounds would need to be found to move forward in this case, but if all sides could agree in principle, then drawing up a legally binding document will not be hard.

He further noted the difficulties that would be faced in assuring the security of both the Syrian and international experts tasked with bringing the chemical weapons under control and laying the groundwork for their ultimate destruction.

“We’ve considered that an international presence will be demanded in those areas where experts are working. We are prepared to allocate our own servicemen or military police to take part in those efforts. I do not believe it is necessary to send in a strong [military] contingency.] It seems to me that it will be sufficient to send in military observers. It will be necessary to do it in such a way that the observers will come from all permanent members of the UN Security Council, Arab states and Turkey, so that all conflicting sides in Syria understand that this contingent represents all external forces who are collaborating with one or the other conflicting sides in Syria . . . so that they don’t resort to provocations,” he said.

Lavrov reiterated previous statements made during his negotiations with Secretary of State John Kerry following their talks in Geneva last week that the opposition was equally responsible for providing for the safety of OPCW and UN experts in the country and not allowing for any “provocations.”

EU perlukan Penjelasan daripada Israel Sepanjang pergelutan Diplomat . . .

SitiWanMahani - EU memerlukan Penjelasan daripada Israel Sepanjang pergelutan Diplomat. Diplomat Eropah yang memegang Israel sebagai yang bertanggungjawab ke atas insiden di mana askar IDF menyerang konvoi kemanusiaan EU di Tebing Barat pada hari Jumaat. Setakat ini Tel Aviv telah meninggalkan skandal dalam limbo, tiada menawarkan sebarang penjelasan rasmi bagi kejadian itu.

Diplomat dari beberapa negara EU telah bercakap menentang kejadian mengejutkan mengganggu orang dengan kekebalan diplomatik, jelas menunggu beberapa jenis tindak balas rasmi dari negeri Israel.

Selepas gambar membimbangkan diplomat Perancis, Marion Fesneau-Castaing, tersebar di atas tanah dengan tentera IDF berdiri di sekeliling hit berita antarabangsa beliau, skandal banyak yang dirampas bantuan EU kepada Badwi tempat tinggal dari kampung dirobohkan di Tebing Barat telah mendapat momentum.

EU calls for Explanations from Israel over Diplomat Scuffle

European diplomats are holding Israel accountable over an incident where IDF servicemen attacked a EU humanitarian convoy in the West Bank on Friday. So far Tel Aviv has left the scandal in limbo, offering no official explanation for the incident.

Diplomats from several EU countries have spoken out against the shocking incident of harassing a person with diplomatic immunity, clearly awaiting some sort of official reaction from the state of Israel.

After disturbing photos of the French diplomat, Marion Fesneau-Castaing, spread on the ground with IDF soldiers standing around her hit international news, the scandal over hijacked EU aid to homeless Bedouins from demolished villages in the West Bank has gained momentum.

Diplomat Perancis Marion Fesneau-Castaing (tengah) diletakkan di atas tanah selepas dia diseret keluar oleh tentera Israel dari sebuah trak sarat dengan bekalan pada 20 September 2013 bagi jalan menuju ke kampung Tebing Barat Khirbet Al ‘Makhul. (AFP Photo – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

“Wakil-wakil EU telah menghubungi pihak berkuasa Israel untuk menuntut penjelasan dan menyuarakan kebimbangan mereka pada kejadian itu,” kata kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh jurucakap bagi dasar luar EU, Catherine Ashton dan Pesuruhjaya Bantuan Kemanusiaan, Kristalina Georgieva.

Seorang pegawai EU menyifatkan tindakan Israel sebagai “mengejutkan dan keterlaluan”, BBC melaporkan.

British Konsulat Jeneral di Jerusalem adalah “bimbang dengan laporan bahawa pihak tentera Israel telah menghalang masyarakat yang terjejas daripada menerima bantuan kemanusiaan,” kata jurucakap itu konsulat.

“Kami telah berulang kali buat yang jelas kepada pihak berkuasa Israel kebimbangan kami ke atas perobohan itu, yang kami lihat sebagai menyebabkan penderitaan kepada rakyat biasa Palestin, seperti yang berbahaya kepada proses damai dan bertentangan dengan undang-undang kemanusiaan antarabangsa,” kata jurucakap itu.

Pihak berkuasa Israel harus “hidup sehingga tanggungjawab mereka sebagai kuasa penjajah untuk melindungi mereka masyarakat di bawah tanggungjawab mereka,” kata Kemanusiaan Penyelaras PBB James Rawley.

‘Haram Aktiviti Diplomatik’

Jurucakap Kementerian Luar Israel, Paul Hirschson, telah mengancam untuk membuat aduan terhadap tindakan Marion Fesneau - Castaing itu, Agence France- Presse melaporkan.

“Jika dia menyertai maka aduan rasmi akan difailkan kerana itu bukan cara diplomat bertindak,” katanya. Pada hari Sabtu duta EU di Israel dipanggil Kementerian Luar Timbalan Ketua Pengarah bagi Eropah, Rafi Shutz, menuntut penjelasan mengenai IDF di Tebing Barat pada hari Jumaat.

“Apa yang dilakukan di sana oleh diplomat Eropah adalah provokasi ,” kata Shutz seperti yang dipetik oleh Haaretz. Encik Shutz mendakwa bahawa kekerasan terhadap diplomat Perancis wanita telah digunakan kerana dia menampar salah seorang askar. Beliau juga mengumumkan bahawa negara Israel sedang mengkaji dakwaan bahawa diplomat asing “menyalahgunakan keistimewaan diplomatik mereka”.

Kerana pembinaan Palestin di tapak bekas Khirbet kampung Al ‘Makhul diperintah haram oleh mahkamah Israel, diplomat Eropah telah terlibat dalam aktiviti haram, Shutz dinyatakan. Beliau juga menegaskan bahawa bantuan kemanusiaan kepada rakyat Palestin hendaklah dihantar melalui saluran yang betul, diselaraskan dengan Israel.

IDF menjelaskan penggunaan bom menyebabkan pengsan semasa kejadian itu, mendakwa bahawa batu-batu telah dilemparkan kepada pasukan keselamatan. Bom yang membisingkan dibuang terus ke dalam sekumpulan diplomat Eropah, pekerja bantuan dan penduduk tempatan yang cuba untuk menghantar bantuan kecemasan kepada penduduk di sebuah perkampungan Palestin yang dirobohkan, Reuters melaporkan .

Pada hari Jumaat sebuah trak dengan EU bantuan kemanusiaan untuk penduduk yang dirobohkan Khirbet Al ‘Makhul penyelesaian telah diserang oleh IDF kakitangan, yang merampas trak dan muatan. Diplomat Perancis Marion Fesneau - Castaing, yang cuba untuk mencegah perampasan bantuan, ditarik keluar dari trak dan dipaksa untuk ke tanah. Insiden itu mendapat liputan antarabangsa yang luas.

Tentera Israel membawa diplomat Perancis Marion Castaing selepas mengeluarkan beliau dari trak yang mengandungi bantuan kecemasan itu, di Tebing Barat penggembala komuniti Khirbet Al ‘Makhul, di Jordan Valley September 20, 2013. (Reuters/Abed Omar Qusini – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

“EU representatives have already contacted the Israeli authorities to demand an explanation and expressed their concern at the incident,” says a statement issued by the spokesmen for EU foreign policy, Catherine Ashton and Humanitarian Aid Commissioner, Kristalina Georgieva.

An EU official described the Israeli actions as “shocking and outrageous”, the BBC reported.

The British Consulate General in Jerusalem is “concerned at reports that the Israeli military authorities have prevented the affected community from receiving humanitarian assistance,” the consulate’s spokesman said.

“We have repeatedly made clear to the Israeli authorities our concerns over such demolitions, which we view as causing unnecessary suffering to ordinary Palestinians, as harmful to the peace process and contrary to international humanitarian law,” the spokesman added.

The Israeli authorities should “live up to their obligations as occupying power to protect those communities under their responsibility,” the UN Humanitarian Coordinator James Rawley said.

‘Illegal diplomatic activity’

The Israeli Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson, Paul Hirschson, has threatened to lodge a complaint over Marion Fesneau-Castaing’s actions, Agence France-Presse reported.

“If she did participate then a formal complaint will be filed because that is not the way diplomats behave,” he said. On Saturday the EU ambassador in Israel called the Foreign Ministry Deputy Director-General for Europe, Rafi Shutz, demanding explanations regarding the IDF in the West Bank on Friday.

“What was done there by the European diplomats was a provocation,” said Shutz as quoted by the Haaretz. Mr Shutz claimed that force against the female French diplomat was used because she slapped one of the soldiers. He also announced that the state of Israel is looking into allegations that foreign diplomats “abused their diplomatic privileges”.

Because Palestinian construction at the site of former Khirbet Al-Makhul village was ruled illegal by an Israeli court, the European diplomats were engaging in illegal activity, Shutz stated. He also pointed out that humanitarian aid to Palestinians should be delivered through the proper channels, coordinated with Israel.

The IDF explained the use of stun grenades during the incident, claiming that stones were thrown at security forces. Stun grenades were thrown directly into a group of European diplomats, aid workers and locals who were trying to deliver emergency aid to the residents of a demolished Palestinian village, Reuters reported.

On Friday a truck with EU humanitarian aid for the villagers of the demolished Khirbet Al-Makhul settlement was attacked by IDF personnel, who confiscated the truck and the payload. French diplomat Marion Fesneau-Castaing, who attempted to prevent confiscation of the aid, was pulled out of the truck and forced to the ground. The incident received wide international coverage.

(Foto fail) lelaki Badwi Palestin bertindak balas di tengah-tengah runtuhan struktur selepas ia telah dibakar oleh tentera Israel di kampung Tebing Barat Zayem, berhampiran Jerusalem (AFP Photo/Ahmad Gharabli - berfikir IN gambar (AFP Photo/Ahmad Gharabli – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Rumah, kandang dan sebuah tadika di kampung Khirbet Al ‘Makhul telah dirobohkan pada hari Isnin selepas keputusan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Israel, yang memutuskan bahawa penduduk kampung mempunyai permit bangunan haram. Penduduk enggan meninggalkan runtuhan mengatakan bahawa mereka telah hidup di tanah ini generasi.

Kejadian rampasan sebuah trak membawa bantuan kemanusiaan telah menjadi lagi laman lain di barisan antara Brussels dan Tel Aviv. Pada bulan Julai, EU mengumumkan bahawa ia akan menghentikan semua bantuan kewangan kepada pertubuhan-pertubuhan Israel beroperasi di wilayah yang diduduki, bermula dari 2014.

Kerajaan Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu memberi reaksi marah, mengecam langkah itu sebagai campur tangan dalam hubungan Israel-Palestin dan membalas dengan menyekat EU bantuan kemanusiaan kepada berpuluh-puluh ribu rakyat Palestin di Tebing Barat.

Israel dan Autonomi Palestin kekal di dalam rundingan damai sia-sia, dengan blok utama penghalang yang pembinaan berterusan penempatan Yahudi di Tebing Barat dan Jerusalem Timur, diduduki sejak 1967 Timur Tengah perang.

Houses, stables and a kindergarten at Khirbet Al ‘Makhul village were demolished on Monday after a decision by Israel's High Court, which ruled that villagers had illegal building permits. The villagers refused to leave the ruins saying they have been living on that land for generations.

The seizure incident of a truck carrying humanitarian aid has become yet another page in the row between Brussels and Tel Aviv. In July the EU announced it is going to stop all financial assistance to Israeli organizations operating in the occupied territories, starting from 2014.

The government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted angrily, denouncing the move as interference in Israel-Palestine relations and retaliated by blocking EU humanitarian aid to tens of thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank.

Israel and the Palestinian Autonomy remain in fruitless peace talks, with the major stumbling block being the ongoing construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, occupied since the 1967 Middle East war.

Pencari Kebenaran: Perang Dunia yang ke-3, Israel lebih besar & Paksi Kejahatan Sebenar (E24) . . .

SitiWanMahani - Pencari Kebenaran: Perang Dunia yang ke-3,  Israel lebih besar & Paksi Kejahatan Sebenar (E24) pemberontak berkata, mereka akan menyerang Amerika Syarikat, Israel mengembang ke Syria dan Projek Perang Dunia III. Mencari kebenaran dari fakta-fakta yang pakar dengan Syria Sharmine Nawarni, Pepe Escobar daripada Asia Times, Ahli Parlimen Eropah Nick Griffin, editor Storyleak Anthony Gucciardi, mempersoalkan Perang di Keganasan pengarang Dr Kevin Barrett, dan bekas pegawai perisikan NSA Scott Rickard.

The Truthseeker: World War 3, Greater Israel & Real Axis of Evil (E24) Rebels say they'll attack the US, Israel expands into Syria and the World War III Project. Seek truth from facts with Syria expert Sharmine Nawarni, Pepe Escobar of the Asia Times, Member of European Parliament Nick Griffin, Storyleak editor Anthony Gucciardi, Questioning the War on Terror author Dr. Kevin Barrett, and former NSA intelligence officer Scott Rickard.


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