Thursday 26 September 2013

Tentera Laut, Lawati tempatan New Island Pakistan . . .

SitiWanMahani - Tentera Laut, Lawati tempatan New Island Pakistan. Sebuah pulau baru di luar pantai Pakistan, ditolak oleh gempa bumi awal minggu ini, telah dikunjungi oleh Tentera Laut Pakistan dan penduduk tempatan. Pulau ini muncul di luar pantai Gwadar, selepas gempa bumi 7.7 pada skala Richter melanda pada Selasa.

Navy, Locals Visit New Island Near Pakistan. A new island off Pakistan's coast, pushed up by an earthquake earlier in the week, was visited by the Pakistan Navy and locals. The island appeared off the coast of Gwadar, after a 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit on Tuesday.

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