Monday 29 July 2013

Mesir: Puluhan terbunuh dalam Pertempuran antara Pasukan Keselamatan & Penyokong Mursi di Kaherah . . .

Mesir: puluhan terbunuh dalam pertempuran antara pasukan keselamatan dan penyokong Mursi di Kaherah. Darah merendam jalan-jalan di Kaherah sekitar Rabaa al-Adawiya Square selepas malam pertempuran maut antara tentera Mesir dan penyokong bekas Presiden Islam Mohamed Mursi.

Ikhwan Muslimin berkata lebih daripada 70 orang telah dibunuh. Beberapa laporan meletakkan bilangan yang cedera setinggi 4,000.

Pusat-pusat perubatan yang penuh dengan orang-orang yang cedera, ada yang penuh dengan luka peluru. Ketua Rabaa al-Adawiya hospital bidang memberitahu Euronews: "Semua mereka mengaku berada dalam keadaan yang serius Anda boleh melihat untuk diri sendiri, mereka semua telah mendapat luka tembakan."

Pemimpin Ikhwan Muslimin Mohammed al-Beltaji berkata kumpulan itu tidak akan berundur dalam menghadapi penganiayaan, memberitahu EuroNews: "Kami tinggal di sini sebagai bantahan aman."

"Kami mempunyai hak untuk berdiri di hadapan dunia untuk mengatakan bahawa semua orang-orang Mesir mempunyai hak untuk memilih presiden mereka, parlimen dan perlembagaan. Tidak ada kuasa tentera mempunyai hak kepada dgn hanya 1 hari bangun dan tiba-tiba membuat keputusan untuk mengendalikan kerajaan , "al-Beltaji meneruskan.

Pertempuran semalaman maut datang selepas hari perhimpunan pro dan anti-Mursi. Bekas presiden telah memecat olehnya tentera selepas protes besar-besaran terhadap pemerintahannya yang sekian lama.

Egypt: dozens killed in clashes between security forces and Mursi supporters in Cairo. Blood soaked the streets of Cairo around Rabaa al-Adawiya Square after a night of deadly clashes between the Egyptian army and supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohamed Mursi.

The Muslim Brotherhood said more than 70 people had been killed. Some reports put the number of injured as high as 4,000.

Medical centres are overflowing with wounded people, some riddled with bullet wounds. The head of the Rabaa al-Adawiya field hospital told euronews: "All those admitted are in serious condition. You can see for yourself, they've all got gunshot wounds."

Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed al-Beltaji said the group would not back down in the face of persecution, telling euronews: "We are staying here in peaceful protest."

"We have the right to stand in front of the world to say that all the people of Egypt have the right to choose their president, parliament and constitution. No military force has the right to one day wake up and suddenly decide who runs the government," al-Beltaji continued.

The deadly overnight clashes came after a day of pro and anti-Mursi rallies. The former president was deposed by the military after mass protests against his year-long rule.

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