Wednesday 28 May 2014

Sehingga 100 terbunuh dalam op tentera Kiev, Donetsk E. Ukraine - kuasa-kuasa anti-Kerajaan . . .

SitiWanMahani Lebih daripada 50 pejuang mempertahankan diri dan sebagai ramai orang awam terbunuh sejak tentera Ukraine meningkatkan serangan mereka di rantau ini pada hari Isnin, menurut PM ‘self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic’, Aleksandr Boroday.

Ikuti RT LIVE UPDATES pada Timur Ukraine

Satu serangan semalaman oleh tentera Ukraine pada trak membawa pemberontak cedera dilaporkan akaun untuk sebahagian daripada mangsa.

Обстрелянный ночью камаз сторонников ДНР #Донецк Подтверждают 30 погибших 3:53 PM - 27 May 2014

Rakaman oleh LifeNews menunjukkan trak yang penuh dengan mayat. Wakil-wakil dari skuad diri mengatakan mereka masih belum boleh memberikan nama-nama mereka yang terbunuh; proses pengenalan hanya hanya baru bermula.

"Mereka orang yang tercedera. Kereta itu memandu mereka daripada medan perang, "seorang wakil bertopeng angkatan diri di Donetsk memberitahu LifeNews."

Penembak tepat Pertama tembak pemandu, maka mereka dipecat jarak dekat berehat dari bahu-pelancar. Yang terselamat kemudiannya ditembak mati oleh Sektor Hak militan - tidak ada di dalam trak yang terselamat".

Reuters melaporkan trak 2 rosak dan darah Kamaz dilindungi di Donetsk - salah seorang daripada mereka di jalan raya lapangan terbang.

Juga semalaman  kuasa-kuasa diri melaporkan bahawa tentera Ukraine melepaskan tem-bakan di sebuah ambulans mengangkut 2 cedera dari lapangan terbang Donetsk. Para doktor di dlm ambulans adalah tanpa luka, timbalan daya diri Donbass', Sergey Tsypakov, memberitahu RIA Novosti. 2 yang cedera kekal dalam ambulans dan ia tidak mungkin untuk memindahkan mereka pada ketika ini, katanya.

Ini datang sebagai tentera Ukraine adalah memperluaskan serangan terhadap pasukan anti- Kiev di tenggara negara ini.

Pertempuran di Donetsk berterusan sepanjang malam di sekitar lapangan terbang.

Imej dari

Awal pada pagi Isnin, kuasa-kuasa yang dimiliki oleh Republik Donetsk Rakyat mengisy-tiharkan diri datang ke lapangan terbang menuntut bahawa tentera Ukraine mening-galkan .

Sebagai tindak balas, jet pejuang Ukraine dan helikopter telah melepaskan pada bersen-jata ‘self-defense forces’ yang menduduki lapangan terbang.

Sebuah video yang disiarkan melalui YouTube dilaporkan menunjukkan jet Ukraine menyerang kawasan sekitar lapangan terbang pada Isnin:

Serangan udara bermula selepas kuasa-kuasa ‘self-defense forces’ tidak mematuhi kata dua yang dikemukakan oleh tentera Kiev, iaitu untuk menyerahkan sebelum jam 1 petang waktu tempatan, Vladislav Seleznyov, ketua operasi kaunter -keganasan berkata di laman Facebook beliau.

Donetsk angkatan diri mendakwa di Twitter telah kembali kawalan ke atas lapangan ter-bang selepas tentera Ukraine melancarkan operasi ketenteraan.

Perkhidmatan Penerbangan Negeri dihentikan trafik udara melalui lapangan terbang hingga 09:00 waktu tempatan Selasa.

Letupan kuat dan tembak-menembak telah dilaporkan dari Donetsk sepanjang hari, den-gan pesawat tentera Ukraine kadang-kadang yang berlegar-legar di sekitar lapangan terbang.

Laporan berjuang di luar lapangan terbang bandar juga muncul. Sumber RT di Donetsk berkata kawasan perumahan swasta yang dikupas oleh api mortar "selama lebih satu jam."

Juga pada hari Isnin, sekurang-kurangnya 3 orang awam dilaporkan terbunuh dan bebe-rapa lagi yang tercedera apabila tentera Ukraine melancarkan serangan mortar di bandar Slavyansk di timur Ukraine.

Pertempuran di Donetsk bermula hanya beberapa jam selepas keputusan awal pilihan raya diumumkan.

Ukraine konfeksi hartawan Pyotr Poroshenko ialah memenangi pilihan raya presiden pada pusingan pertama pengundian, setelah memperolehi lebih 50 % peratus undi.

Up to 100 killed in Kiev military op, Donetsk E. Ukraine - anti-govt forces . . .

More than 50 self-defense fighters and as many civilians have been killed since Ukrainian troops stepped up their offensive in the region on Monday, according to the PM of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, Aleksandr Boroday.

An overnight attack by Ukrainian troops on a truck carrying wounded rebels reportedly accounts for a portion of the casualties.

Footage by LifeNews shows a truck full of dead bodies. Representatives of the self-defense squads say they cannot yet give the names of those killed; the process of identification has only just began.

“They were wounded. The car was driving them from a battlefield,” a masked representative of the self-defense forces in Donetsk told LifeNews. “First snipers shot the driver, then they fired point-blank at the rest from a shoulder-launcher. The survivors were then gunned down by Right Sector militants - no one in the truck survived.”

Reuters reported two wrecked and blood-covered Kamaz trucks in Donetsk – one of them on the airport road.

Also overnight, self-defense forces reported that Ukrainian military opened fire at an ambulance transporting two injured from the Donetsk airport. The doctors inside the ambulance were unharmed, deputy of Donbass’ self-defense forces, Sergey Tsypakov, told RIA Novosti. The two wounded remain in the ambulance and it is not possible to evacuate them at this point, he added.

This comes as the Ukrainian military is broadening its offensive against anti-Kiev forces in the southeast of the country.

The fighting in Donetsk continued throughout the night around the airport.

Early on Monday morning, forces belonging to the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic came to the airport demanding that Ukrainian troops leave.

In response, Ukrainian fighter jets and helicopters were unleashed at the armed self-defense occupying the airport.

A video posted on YouTube reportedly shows Ukrainian jets attacking the area around the airport on Monday:

Airstrikes started after the self-defense forces failed to comply with the ultimatum put forward by Kiev's troops, that is to surrender by 1pm local time, Vladislav Seleznyov, the head of the counter-terror operation said on his Facebook page.

Donetsk self-defense forces claimed on Twitter to have regained control over the airport after the Ukrainian troops launched its military operation.

The State Aviation Service halted air traffic through the airport till 9.00am local time Tuesday.

Loud explosions and gunfire were reported from Donetsk throughout the day, with Ukrainian army aircraft occasionally circling around the airport.

Reports of fighting outside the city airport also emerged. RT’s sources in Donetsk said a private housing area was being shelled by mortar fire “for over an hour.”

Also on Monday, at least three civilians were reportedly killed and several wounded when the Ukrainian military launched a mortar attack on the town of Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine.

The clashes in Donetsk began just a few hours after the early results of the elections were announced.

Ukrainian confectionary tycoon Pyotr Poroshenko is winning the presidential election in the first round of voting, having secured more than 50 percent of votes.

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