Friday 24 January 2014

Berpuluh-puluh yang TERCEDERA Bom KERETA yang Meletup KUAT di HQ POLIS Kaherah . . .

Pegawai polis dan orang ramai berkumpul di hadapan bangunan Muzium Islam yang musnah, selepas letupan bom berlaku di ibu pejabat polis berdekatan, di pusat bandar Kaherah , 24 Januari 2014. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh – think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

SitiWanMahani – Satu letupan yang ke-2 di Kaherah membunuh sekurang-kurangnya satu orang, TV negeri dilaporkan. Ia mengikuti pagi letupan bom kereta di hadapan Ibu Pejabat polis di ibu negara Mesir, yang mengorbankan sekurang-kurangnya 4 orang dan skor cedera dari orang lain.

Letupan pagi Jumaat di Kaherah Direktorat Keselamatan meninggalkan 4 orang mati dan 51 yang lain cedera, menurut Kementerian Kesihatan.

Dozens HURT As powerful Car BOMB Explodes 
at Cairo police HQ . . .

A second blast in Cairo killed at least one person, state TV reported. It follows a morning car bomb explosion in front of the police HQ in the Egyptian capital, which killed at least 4 people and injured scores of others.

The Friday morning explosion at the Cairo Security Directorate left four people dead and injured 51 others, according to the Health Ministry.

mohamad_elghonami® @m_elghonami (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Gambar dari menunjukkan tempat kejadian yang beberapa bidang bangunan rosak di jalan Port Said, termasuk ibu pejabat polis.

Pictures from the scene show damaged fronts of several buildings in Port Said street, including the police headquarters.

Zaid Benjamin @zaidbenjamin First pictures coming from the Egyptian capital #Cairo #Egypt (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Saksi-saksi melaporkan orang2 tercedera diheret keluar dari bangunan yang rosak dan dipindahkan ke dalam ambulans. Mayat pengebom bunuh diri yang disyaki, yang nampak-nya memandu kereta ke bangunan, telah dijumpai.

Witnesses reported injured people being dragged out of the damaged building and transferred into ambulances. The body of the suspected suicide bomber, who apparently drove the car to the building, was found.

Jay @CharleyCanucky #Cairo blast took place near police headquarters -state TV (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

Letupan itu adalah cukup kuat untuk didengar dari kilometer jauhnya di semua arah. Ia juga menghantar kepulan besar asap hitam ke langit.

Terdapat juga laporan mesingan kebakaran di kawasan berikut letupan itu, yang menunjukkan serangan militan mungkin. Saksi berkata, mereka melihat lelaki bersenjata pada motosikal menembak di Ibu Pejabat polis hanya selepas bom meletup.

The blast was powerful enough to be heard from kilometers away in all directions. It also sent a large plume of black smoke into the sky.

There were also reports of machine gun fire in the area following the explosion, indicating a likely militant attack. Witnesses said they saw gunmen on motorbikes shooting at the police HQ just after the bomb went off.

shadi rahimi شادي @shadirahimi Just heard what sounded like loud explosion, plume of black smoke seen from window in Mounira #Cairo #Egypt (think IN pictures @1WORLD Community)

TV negeri Mesir menunjukkan orang ramai berdiri di hadapan bangunan Ibu Pejabat berikutan letupan itu, melaungkan “Orang2 menuntut pelaksanaan Ikhwan Muslim.”

Tentera keselamatan Mesir dan tentera tentera telah menghadapi serangan militan tetap sejak Julai 2013, apabila rampasan kuasa tentera menggulingkan ‘Islamist President Moha-med Morsi’.

Terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 3 serangan bom di minggu-minggu terakhir di negara ini, termasuk berani mati datang pada sebatian polis di Mansoura, utara Kaherah, yang mengorbankan 15 orang.

Serangan ke atas HQ polis pada hari Jumaat datang kurang dari seminggu selepas Mesir meluluskan perlembagaan baru, walaupun boikot undi oleh Morsi Ikhwan Muslimin, yang telah diharamkan selepas rampasan kuasa.

Ikhwan telah merancang bantahan besar-besaran selepas solat Jumaat di seluruh negara, yang terbesar di satu siri peristiwa sama.

Pengeboman itu menimbulkan kebimbangan baru tentang keselamatan semasa sambutan ulang tahun akan datang revolusi 2011, yang menggulingkan Mesir lama pemerintah Hosni Mubarak. Kementerian Dalam Negeri berjanji untuk melindungi sambutan hari Sabtu.

Egyptian state TV showed a crowd standing in front of the HQ building in the wake of the blast, chanting “people demand the execution of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Egyptian security troops and army soldiers have been facing regular militant attacks since July 2013, when a military coup deposed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi.

There have been at least three bomb attacks in the last weeks in the country, including a suicide coming at a police compound in Mansoura, north of Cairo, which killed 15 people.

The attack on police HQ on Friday comes less than a week after Egyptians approved a new constitution, despite a vote boycott by Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, which was outlawed after the coup.

The Brotherhood was planning a massive protest after Friday prayers across the country, the largest in a series of similar events.

The bombing raises new concerns over security during the upcoming anniversary celebrations of the 2011 revolution, which ousted Egypt’s long-time ruler Hosni Mubarak. The Interior Ministry pledged to protect the Saturday celebration.

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