Saturday 5 October 2013

Pasukan Keterlaluan? Capitol polis membunuh Ibu yang tidak bersenjata selepas kereta kejar-mengejar . . .

SitiWanMahani - Pasukan Keterlaluan? Capitol polis membunuh ibu yang tidak bersenjata selepas kereta kejar-mengejar. Ia masih tidak diketahui apa yang membawa kepada mengejar kereta di Washington DC yang menyebabkan kuncian keselamatan kerajaan, dan berakhir dengan seorang wanita yang tidak bersenjata ditembak di depan anaknya oleh pihak polis pada hari Khamis. Mari kita mendapatkan maklumat kini daripada Sam Sacks RT ini.

Excessive Force? Capitol police kill Unarmed mother 
after Car Chase . . .

It's still not known what led to a car chase in Washington DC which caused a security lockdown of the government, and ended with an unarmed woman being shot in front of her baby by police on Thursday. Let's get the details now from RT's Sam Sacks.

Polis USCapitol mengelilingi kereta dengan senjata mereka disediakan di sudut Pennsylvania Avenue 1st Street, barat laut framegrab ini dari video TV Alhurra diambil sebelum menembak di Washington, 3 Oktober 2013 (U.S.Capitol Police surround a car with their guns drawn at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 1st Street, northwest in this framegrab from Alhurra TV video taken just before a shooting in Washington, October 3, 2013 (Reuters/Alhurra – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Hukuman Capitol: Ibu yang tidak bersenjata dengan isu-isu kesihatan yang ditembak mati oleh Capitol Polis. Apabila ia muncul bahawa wanita yang ditembak mati oleh polis di Capitol Hill adalah seorang ibu tunggal tertekan, soalan timbul tentang mengapa polis melepaskan aliran peluru pada pemandu yang tidak bersenjata yang mempunyai bayi 18 bulan di belakang kereta beliau.

Baru butiran sekitar kematian Miriam Carey yang pantas berubah pula cerita tentang peristiwa: asalnya, di mana dia telah dituduh bersenjata dan berhadapan dengan bahasa Muluk-Muluk polis semasa penutupan kerajaan, ke dalam satu tentang pemburuan bersenjata polis keterlaluan menurunkan emosi-wanita bermasalah di hadapan anaknya.

Mengandung beliau dengan Erica telah dirancang, menurut bekas bos, beliau Dr Barry Weiss, yang bercakap kepada NBC Connecticut. Carey [Miriam] telah seolah-olah semakin tertekan selepas mendapati berita, dan sekitar Januari 2012, dia mengalami kejatuhan yang cukup buruk perlu mengambil masa dua hingga tiga minggu ‘off work’.

Seorang penduduk 59-thn yang bangunan di mana Carey tinggal berkata bahawa dia “nanpak sangat baik” tetapi telah berkelakuan luar biasa baru-baru ini. “Dia sering akan mempercepatkan keretanya masuk dan keluar dari tempat letak kereta di sini, dan itu adalah sesuatu yang benar-benar membimbangkan saya,” katanya.

Pada masa ini, orang ramai sahaja yang tahu apa yang sedikit ia boleh memungut dari rakaman yang ada dan akaun saksi. Mereka mengatakan dia dimasukkan ke halangan keselamatan dan memukul seorang ejen Perkhidmatan Rahsia yang cuba menukar arah beliau dengan melambai.

Capitol Punishment: Unarmed mom with health issues 
gunned down by Capitol Police . . .

When it emerged that the woman shot dead by police on Capitol Hill was a depressed single mother, questions surfaced as to why police fired a stream of bullets at an unarmed driver who had an eighteen month old baby in the back of her car.

New details surrounding the death of Miriam Carey are swiftly changing the story’s turn of events: originally, one in which she was accused of being armed and confronted by police heroics during a government shutdown, into one about over-zealous police gunning down an emotionally-troubled woman in front of her child.

Her pregnancy with Erica had been unplanned, according to her former boss, Dr. Barry Weiss, who spoke to NBC Connecticut. Carey [Miriam] had seemed increasingly stressed after discovering the news, and around January 2012, she suffered a fall bad enough to have to take two to three weeks off work.

One 59-year-old resident of the building where Carey lived said that she “seemed nice” but had been behaving unusually recently. “She would often speed her car in and out of the parking lot here, and that was something that really concerned me,” he said.

At the moment, the public only knows what little it can glean from the available footage and witness accounts. They say she plowed into a security barrier and hit a Secret Service agent who tried to change her direction by waving.

Miriam Carey (Photo from Facebook/miriam.carey.stamford – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Selepas polis yang pertama melepaskan tembakan ke atas, dia berlantai gas dan menghalaunya. Tetapi selepas mengejar berkelajuan tinggi melalui jalan-raya Capitol Hill, dia meluru ke pegawai polis Capitol Hill, yang dikelilingi oleh kereta selepas dia merempuh halangan. Seorang saksi melaporkan seorang pegawai walaupun mencuat senjata ke tingkap yang terbuka kereta Carey.

Beliau pandu kereta dan memukul ‘Cruiser polis’, manakala hampir terlangar beberapa pegawai lagi, sebelum memandu keluar lagi. Dari saat itu semua yang diketahui ialah bahawa pegawai bersorak dia berhenti kerana dia berlalu. Kemudian tembakan dilepaskan (beberapa laporan menyatakan lebih daripada sedozen telah mendengar dalam jumlah) dan Carey telah dibunuh di sekitar Mahkamah Agung. Beliau menerima 6 peluru dari senapang polis.

Penyiasat memberitahu orang ramai bahawa usaha itu boleh menjadi lebih teruk jika bukan kerana halangan berhampiran White House.

“Perimeter bekerja . . . Mereka melakukan apa yang mereka sepatutnya lakukan,” kata Ketua Polis DC Cathy Lanier pada sidang akhbar selepas menembak. Persoalan yang kemudian timbul ialah mengapa sebarang tindakan lanjut diperlukan untuk melumpuhkan Carey dirinya, apabila terdapat semua masa di DUNIA untuk mengelakkan kereta beliau dari bergerak?

Dr Mark Mason percaya keadaan keseluruhannya adalah pembunuhan besar-besaran di pihak Polis Capitol.

“Memandangkan hakikat bahawa kita mempunyai wanita yang tidak bersenjata - polis telah tampil untuk mengatakan dia tidak bersenjata; terdapat bayi di dalam kereta; tiada tembakan dalam apa jua yang datang dari kereta pada bila-bila masa - banyak soalan perlu di tanya, “Mason memberitahu RT.

“Pihak polis di Washington DC cara-cara ‘Overreacted’. Terdapat alternatif untuk bertindak balas kepada situasi pendek kuasa maut. Sebuah kereta yang dipandu laju - terdapat pelbagai cara untuk menghalang nya, “katanya lagi, yang menyebut pilihan tembak tayar keretanya.

After the police first opened fire on her, she floored the gas and drove off. But after a high-speed pursuit through Capitol Hill streets, she ran into Capitol Hill police officers, who surrounded her car after she slammed into a barrier. One witness reported one of the officers even sticking his weapon into the open window of Carey’s car.

She wheeled the car around and hit a police cruiser, while almost hitting several more officers, before driving off again. From that moment all that is known is that the officers shouted for her to stop as she moved away. Then shots were fired (multiple reports declare more than a dozen were heard in total) and Carey was killed in the vicinity of the Supreme Court. She received six bullets from police guns.

Investigators told the public that the pursuit may have been worse had it not been for the barriers near the White House. 

“The perimeters worked… They did exactly what they were supposed to do,” said DC Police chief Cathy Lanier during a press conference following the shooting. The question that then arises is why any further action was required to immobilize Carey herself, when there was all the time in the world to prevent her car from moving?

Dr. Mark Mason believes the situation was entirely overkill on the part of the Capitol Police.

“Given the fact that we have an unarmed female – the police have come forward to say she was unarmed; there was an infant in the car; there was no gunfire of any kind that came from the car at any time – a lot of questions need to be asked,” Mason told RT.

“The police in Washington DC way-way overreacted. There are alternatives to respond to situations short of deadly force. A speeding car – there’s a variety of ways of stopping them,” he continued, mentioning the option of shooting out the tires.

INFINITI Coupe hitam digambarkan selepas penglibatannya dalam penentuan polis di Capitol Hill di Washington, 3 Oktober 2013 (A black Infiniti coupe is pictured after its involvement in police shootout on Capitol Hill in Washington, October 3, 2013 (Reuters/Jason Reed – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Pilihan untuk mengambil seorang suspek - walaupun satu dianggap sebagai suspek keganasan maut - ke dalam jagaan hidup-hidup kemungkinan terbukti, seperti mana yang berlaku dengan seorang yang disyaki pengebom Boston, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Beliau kekal di dalam penjara pada masa ini, walaupun telah dituduh yang ‘Perpetrating’ April 15, 2013 , Boston Marathon pengeboman. Beliau telah ditangkap hidup-hidup oleh pihak polis.

Kembali pada bulan Mei, 27 thn Todashev Ibrahim yang mendakwa pautan kepada lain Boston Marathon pengeboman suspek, abang Dzhokhar itu, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, ditembak 6 kali semasa soal siasat oleh FBI selepas nampaknya menyerang salah satu daripada ejen. Beliau muncul sebagai telah bersenjata dan masih tiada maklumat lanjut mengenai keadaannya. Tamerlan dirinya mati dalam keadaan ‘Stand-off’ dengan polis pada bulan April.

Walau bagaimanapun kes-kes yang berasingan yang tiada tandingan. Walaupun Pengeboman Boston membunuh 3 orang dan mencederakan lebih 260, tidak ada bukti bahawa Carey mempunyai apa-apa niat untuk menyebabkan bahaya kepada manusia lain.

Pada hari Jumaat, seorang lelaki dari Ohio bernama Joseph Reel, mengaku bersalah terhadap ‘Crashing’ Jeep beliau berhampiran Secret Service ‘Guard booth’ White House - satu kejadian yang berlaku pada bulan Jun. Sebagai pendengaran dibentangkan, Mahkamah Daerah Amerika Syarikat Hakim Rudolph Contreras memetik kes Carey, memberitahu Reel beliau “bernasib baik kerana masih hidup,” menurut AP.

The option of taking a suspect – even one considered a deadly terror suspect - into custody alive is a proven possibility, as was the case with one suspected Boston Bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. He remains in prison at the moment, despite having been accused of perpetrating the April 15, 2013, Boston Marathon bombings. He was captured alive by police.

Back in May, 27-year-old Ibrahim Todashev who had alleged links to the other Boston Marathon bombing suspect, Dzhokhar’s brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was shot six times during questioning by the FBI after apparently attacking one of the agents. He appeared to have been unarmed and there are still no further details of the situation. Tamerlan himself died in a stand-off with police in April.

However, the separate cases are incomparable. While the Boston Bombings killed three and injured over 260, there is no evidence that Carey had any intent to cause danger to another human being.

On Friday, a man from Ohio named Joseph Reel, pleaded guilty to crashing his Jeep near a white House Secret Service guard booth – an incident which happened in June. As the hearing unfolded, US District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras cited Carey’s case, telling Reel he was “lucky to be alive,” according to AP.

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