Saturday 5 October 2013

‘Tidak begitu kami melakukannya di New York’: Soalan Bekas polis NYPD Kakak saya yang terbunuh oleh Capitol polis . . .

Kepungan Polis di luar Capitol Amerika Syarikat selepas tembakan dilaporkan berhampiran 2 Street NW dan Perlembagaan Avenue di Capitol Hill di Washington, DC, pada 3 Oktober 2013. (Police cordon off the US Capitol after shots fired were reported near 2nd Street NW and Constitution Avenue on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on October 3, 2013. (AFP Photo/Jewel Samad – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

SitiWanMahani - ‘Tidak begitu kami melakukannya di New York’: Soalan Bekas polis NYPD Kakak saya yang terbunuh oleh Capitol polis. Polis di Washington DC tidak perlu mengambil jalan keluar dengan menembak mati seorang wanita yang tidak bersenjata, yang mengetuai pegawai-pegawai yang mengejar kereta yang singkat melalui Capitol pada hari Khamis, kata adik pemandu, bekas sarjan polis New York Valarie Carey.

“Kakak saya boleh terjadi pada mana-mana orang dalam perjalanan ibu kota kita,” Valarie Carey kepada pemberita di luar rumah Brooklyn beliau pada hari Sabtu. “Kuasa fizikal Berbahaya” tidak membantu muktamad dan ia tidak perlu.”

Miriam Carey, seorang pakar gigi 34 tahun dari Connecticut, dia cuba untuk memandu INFINITI coupe hitam melalui halangan berhampiran White House, memukul seorang ejen Perkhidmatan Rahsia yang cuba untuk menhalau dia. Beliau kemudiannya memecut ke arah Capito.

Hill, polis terkemuka mengejar kelajuan tinggi yang berakhir apabila kereta beliau tersekat di median dan polis menembak beliau.

Seorang pegawai Polis Capitol, yang juga tercedera apabila kereta terkena benteng semasa setengah batu mengejar pertengahan petang, yang berlangsung hanya beberapa minit.

Sumber penguatkuasaan undang-undang berkata Carey tidak melepaskan senjata api dan tidak ada tanda-tanda bahawa dia memiliki senjata.

“Saya lebih dari yakin bahawa tidak ada keperluan untuk senjata yang akan digunakan [polis] apabila tidak ada tembakan yang datang dari kenderaan itu,” kata Valarie Carey. “Saya tidak tahu bagaimana protokol mereka di DC, tetapi saya tidak tahu bagaimana mereka berada di New York City.”

Not how we do it in New York’: Ex-NYPD cop questions sister's 
killing by Capitol police . . .

Police in Washington DC did not have to resort to shooting dead an unarmed woman, who lead officers on a short-lived car chase through the Capitol on Thursday, said the driver's sister, former New York police sergeant Valarie Carey.

"My sister could have been any person traveling in our capital," Valarie Carey told reporters outside her Brooklyn home on Saturday. "deadly physical force was not the ultimate recourse and it didn't have to be."

Miriam Carey, a 34-year old dental hygienist from Connecticut, tried to drive her black Infiniti coupe through a barrier near the White House, hitting a Secret Service agent who attempted to wave her away. She then sped toward Capitol

Hill, leading police on a high-speed pursuit that came to an end when her car got stuck on the median and police shot her.

A Capitol Police officer was also hurt when his car hit a barricade during the mile and a half mid-afternoon chase, which lasted just a few minutes.

Law enforcement sources said Carey did discharge a firearm and there was no indication that she was in possession of a weapon.

"I'm more than certain that there was no need for a gun to be used [by police] when there was no gunfire coming from the vehicle," Valarie Carey said. "I don't know how their protocols are in DC, but I do know how they are in New York City."

Valarie (kiri) dan Amy Carey, saudara Miriam Carey, seorang wanita yang terlibat dalam menembak Hill Capitol, menghadiri sidang akhbar di luar rumah mereka di kota kecil Brooklyn New York, 4 Oktober 2013 (Valarie (L) and Amy Carey, sisters of Miriam Carey, the woman involved in the Capitol Hill shooting, attend a news conference outside their home in the Brooklyn borough of New York, October 4, 2013. (Reuters/Carlo Allegri – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Wakil-wakil dari Polis Capitol dan Daerah Jabatan Polis Metropolitan Columbia tidak dapat dihubungi untuk mendapatkan komen awal pada hari Sabtu.

Kerry, yang satu tahun anak perempuan Erica adalah dengan dia di dalam kereta semasa mengejar pada hari Khamis, dilaporkan telah dimasukkan ke hospital untuk bulan kemurungan selepas bersalin selepas melahirkan anak.

Pada sidang akhbar itu di Brooklyn, kakak Carey yang satu lagi, Amy Carey-Jones, memberitahu pemberita perjuangan emosi adeknya.

“Saya boleh memberitahu anda bahawa dia adalah seorang warganegara mematuhi undang-undang, riang dan penyayang. Dia mempunyai bayi dan dia mengalami kemurungan selepas bersalin dengan psikosis,” kata Carey-Jones, sambil menambah bahawa kakaknya telah menerima rawatan, termasuk ubat-ubatan dan terapi.

Adik-beradik yang jelas kelihatan goyah dipegang tangan semasa sidang akhbar itu. Terdahulu hari ini mereka telah pergi ke Capitol untuk mengenal pasti saudara perempuan mereka kepada pihak berkuasa dengan bantuan gambar-gambar, Carey-kata Jones.

Representatives from the Capitol Police and the District of Columbia's Metropolitan Police Department could not be reached for comment early on Saturday.

Kerry, whose one-year-old daughter Erica was with her in the car during the chase on Thursday, had reportedly been hospitalized for postpartum depression months after giving birth.

At the news conference in Brooklyn, Carey's other sister, Amy Carey-Jones, told reporters of her sister’s emotional struggles.

"I can tell you that she was a law-abiding citizen, carefree and loving. She had a baby and she did suffer from post-partum depression with psychosis," Carey-Jones said, adding that her sister had received treatment, including medication and therapy.

The visibly shaken sisters held hands during the news conference. Earlier in the day they had traveled to the Capitol to identify their sister to authorities with the aid of photographs, Carey-Jones said.

SitiWanMahani - US Capitol menembak: Soalan Keluarga perlukah bagi polis untuk menembak dan membunuh Miriam Carey. Soalan keluarga Miriam Carey penggunaan polis kekerasan maut terhadap beliau, selepas mengejar kereta di Capitol Hill, kerana dia adalah “tertekan.” Laporan oleh Mark Morris.

US Capitol shooting: Family question need for police to shoot 
and kill Miriam Carey . . .

Miriam Carey's family question the police use of deadly force against her, following a car chase on Capitol Hill, as she was “depressed.” Report by Mark Morris.

Attention - As GOD Almighty Say in the HOLY 'QURAN: 'No Reward Do I Ask Of You For It: MY REWARD IS ONLY FROM THE LORD OF THE UNIVERSE'. (QS 26:109)

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